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Thinking about growing hemp?

Hemp can be grown in most countries around the world and is a potential source for a huge range of valuable products in construction, fibre, food and medicine. Before deciding to grow hemp, however, it is essential to plan carefully and give special consideration to the following:
The Market
What market are you planning to grow for? Does it already exist in your area? What is the potential for growth?
It is essential to become familiar with your state regulations governing the growing and processing of hemp and hemp products. Click here for an overview of legislation and regulations for each state and territory.
Fibre, grain or dual crop?
Depending on the market you are aiming at you will need to choose a hemp variety specifically bred for that purpose as well as suited to your location. Be sure to check that the seed is suitable for your requirements.
While hemp is quite hardy you will need to take account of your location, specific soil conditions and water requirements before selecting the seed variety best suited to your needs. We recommend that you get early advice from an experienced agronomist. Our Hemp Growers Forum is designed to help growers share their questions and experience.
Special Note
The quality of seed depends on a variety of factors of which storage and shipping need special consideration. Be sure to discuss these with your chosen supplier.

See below for additional information to help you become successful in the Australian hemp industry.

Now you’re ready to grow!
Click on the company logo below for details of seed currently available and secure your seed for the coming season.

We are grateful to HempGenTech for sharing the following documents

For your business plan: